简介:swep is a rapidly growing international company in the heat transfer field. decades of creative work, leading-edge competence and committed swep people have resulted in the world\'s most effective offer of products. world-leading within its field, swep constantly advances the front line in order to be able to use the very latest technology. swep\'s aim is constantly to offer its customers excellent performance, economy and service.。
一般的!舒瑞普于2007年4月在苏州工业园区成立了苏州舒瑞普科技有限公司,并于2007年10月份投入生产公司环境还可以的! 在苏州英才网上面招聘!。
简介:swep is a rapidly growing international company in the heat transfer field. decades of creative work, leading-edge competence and committed swep people have resulted in the world\'s most effective offer of products. world-leading within its field, swep constantly advances the front line in order to be able to use the very latest technology. swep\'s aim is constantly to offer its customers excellent performance, economy and service. today, swep is close to its customers, with representation in more than 50 countries and its own dedicated sales force in more than 20 countries. highly efficient production units in sweden, switzerland, usa, malaysia, slovakia and china make it possible to serve customers all over the world. we have established our production facilities in weiting town, suzhou industrial park in 2007 to meet the rapid business expansion. we encourage those who are seeking long-term career opportunities to join our team, and grow with swep. welcome to visit our website www.***.net 舒瑞普公司是在传热领域里快速发展的国际性公司。数十年的创新、领先的实力以及忠诚的员工使得我们能够提供世界上最高效的产品。swep作为行业的领先者,始终坚持不断地在开发利用***。向客户提供优良的产品性能、有竞争力的价格和周到的服务一直以来是swep的目标。 目前,swep公司已经在50多个国家和地区设有代表机构,并在20多个国家拥有尽职的销售队伍,与客户保持了紧密的联系。我们设在瑞典、瑞士、美国、马来西亚、斯洛伐克和中国的工厂,生产能力强大,可以满足全世界客户的需求。 为了满足业务的快速发展需求,2007年,舒瑞普集团在苏州工业园区唯亭成立了苏州舒瑞普科技有限公司,诚邀您的加入,公司将与您共创未来。 欢迎访问公司网站www.***.net 法定代表人:ONG CHIN SHUAN 成立日期:2007-04-03 注册资本:450万美元 所属地区:江苏省 统一社会信用代码:91320594799067264P 经营状态:在业 所属行业:制造业 公司类型:有限责任公司(外国法人独资) 英文名:SWEP Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 人员规模:100-499人 企业地址:苏州工业园区唯亭春辉路7号 经营范围:研究、设计、开发和生产钎焊式换热器、卡扣和拎绳等制造包装专用材料,销售本公司所生产的产品并提供相关技术服务。从事与本公司生产产品的同类商品及零部件的批发、进出口、佣金代理(拍卖除外)及相关业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。